Our Vision

Our vision is to equip individuals to contribute positively to their communities by providing meaningful practical training and employment opportunities.

Based on the knowledge that every person has the potential to live a fulfilled life of purpose, Forge and Equip is founded by Christians and exists to enable all types of people to discover and develop their abilities and support them into employment, whatever that looks like for them.

No matter what people have been through, we believe there is always hope and restoration to be found.

Our Mission

Our mission is to support and bring positive change to some of the current needs in Scotland…

Work in Scotland
The statistics paint a concerning picture of the state of work in Scotland: as of December 2022, 9.7% of 16-24 year-olds in the country were unemployed, and 11.5% of households in Edinburgh were workless. With three lives lost daily to drug use and mental health challenges referred to as a national crisis, we believe that finding worthwhile work is crucial for positive living.

Trades and Welding
The number of welders in the UK has dropped by 25% since 2017, with half expected to retire by 2027. The COVID-19 pandemic and Brexit have exacerbated the skills shortage in the construction sector. This decline highlights the urgent need for effective training and recruitment to bridge the gap and sustain the industry.

Sustainability in Scotland
Scotland aims to be a net-zero society by 2045, a goal that underscores the importance of sustainability and waste reduction. By embracing sustainable practices, we can significantly cut down on waste and promote environmental stewardship. SMEs can make a significant contribution in this effort, driving innovation and creating eco-friendly solutions tailored to our clients and communities. Our sustainable fabrications not all reduce waste, and offer something unique, they provide immense value in learning and experience for our trainees. Check out some of our fabrications here.

Our Workshop

At Forge and Equip, we believe there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Every individual and business has unique needs and goals, and we tailor our services to meet them. We offer hard and soft skills training to those who need it most, addressing common risk factors like poverty, previous convictions, or addictions that impact employment struggles.

At our workshop in East Linton, a hub of creativity and learning, we offer tailored opportunities for individuals and groups to develop a wide array of skills from welding to woodworking. Our programs are designed to empower, whether you’re looking to start a new hobby or embark on a new career path. Join us to explore your potential and transform recycled materials into beautiful, custom creations. Check out our courses page to learn more about our offerings and personalized work opportunities!